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Fortune's Rocks - Anita Shreve I wanted to like this book. Really. But after a quarter of the way through it, it did nothing for me. I was used to Shreve's "The Pilot's Wife" and loved it, that this just seemed to be so dull. The characters put me to sleep. Each day or night reading this, my eyes got heavy with boredom. I simply couldn't finish it, but gave it as much time as I thought I could. Kudos to those that finished it and said it was wonderful. I just didn't get the same appeal. Don't get me wrong, I normally love novel rich with description and a story of forbidden love (granted it's not a traditional romance novel), but this simply didn't cut it for me. It was about as boring as Proulx's "The Shipping News". Started nowhere, continued going nowhere, and I couldn't take it anymore.